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Edges in Flux between_WATER | CITY | TERRITORY

Urban Explosion | By Bryan Walsh


“Moving to the city is the first step to getting filthy rich in rising Asia.” So the Pakistani author Moshin Hamid writes in his new novel How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia — and billions of people apparently agree with him. The story of the past century has been the story of urbanization, of the great migration of human beings from the rural countryside to the city.











Earth under water in next 20 years: National Geographic documentary


This documantary explores the effect of climate change, rising sea level and its impact on coastal cities around the world. What are the technological and engineering solutions we can engage in order to fight these problems?











Floating vision by Koen Olthuis from


Waterstudio.NL is an architectural firm located in the Netherlands that is confronting the challenge of developing solutions to the problems posed by urbanization and climate change. The prognoses is that by 2050 approximately 70% of the world’s population will live in urbanized areas. Given the fact that about 90% of the world’s largest cities are situated on the waterfront, we have arrived to a situation where we are forced to rethink the way we live with water in the built environment. 











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